Taking Charge, Getting Motivated.

Taking Charge and Getting Motivated

Motivation is Key When it Comes To Taking Charge

Have you ever wondered why you know what to do and you still don't do it.  The answer is often simply a matter of motivation.  It's all well and good having all the knowledge and skills to do something but if you don't have the motivation to do it you simply wont take action.  Motivation comes in two basic forms.  The motivation for getting away from something, eg the motivation to avoid a conflict or to avoid pain.  The other form of motivation is the motivation to get something.  This usually means the benefits of doing something.

If you don't have motivation you wont push through the struggle to achieve the thing your trying to achieve.  When it comes to drugs and alcohol it's really important to be motivated because you have to push back against a bunch of urges and habits that just make you want to use.  This isn't so complicated to understand.  If you have to push back against your urges and habits you have to have the motivation to do that.  This is usually the motivation to eliminate the costs of drug and alcohol misuse such as poor health, low vitality, risks of getting caught, fights and arguments with partners, and a lot more.  The other side of the equation that pushes you through urges and habits and not giving in to them is to have the motivation to receive the benefits that come from not being addicted.  For example our clients routinely feel healthier, have more money in the bank, stop having arguments, get better sleep and a whole bunch more.

It's all about taking charge.

The idea of taking charge is simple, be in control and make good choices.  What you need though is the motivation to make you take charge when your urges and habits are saying the opposite.  You need the motivation and persistence to achieve the state of automatic healthy choices.  You need the motivation to create the kind of life you really want without dependence and addiction.

Control  or Abstinence is About Taking Charge

This is different for everyone.  I would say that it's wise to try and eliminate illegal drug use.  I don't know many people who don't become addicted with any regular drug use.  Perhaps some can but the majority of people just become increasingly addicted over time.  On the other hand I do know a lot of people who drink in a controlled manner and are able to maintain safe levels of alcohol use.  However I must say, not everyone can control their drug and alcohol use.  These people are best advised to eliminate drug and alcohol use all together.


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